Sachin Tendulkar of the world need a coach more than a sundry street player. A coach works with you to help you explore and rediscover your possibilities, and develop your ability to overcome challenges, whether they are in the realm of your personal or professional life. S/he enhances your awareness and re-connects you with your core values, life purpose and unique gifts and talents. In the process, you are not only able to find solutions to your present challenges, but discover a methodology to handle future challenges on your own.
Team Mantrana has team, life and leadership coaches with accreditations from ICF and EMCC, so that we are able to give you options that best suit your situation and needs.
If you do feel the need to take such help, we will be happy to be of help. If you are not sure, talk to us. It may be the best decision you may have made lately. Keeping in mind our philosophy, we do recommend use of appropriate psychometrics assessment to get the right perspective of the source of challenges.