This exceptional program provides a comprehensive overview of the key issues involved in designing and implementing assessment and development centers.
This course is designed to upgrade the skills and the awareness of the participants in the critical areas of assessment. The course will involve both knowledge acquisition and skill development. It will broaden and deepen knowledge of the issues, enable participants to practice and build on existing skills and help them facilitate the decision-making processes.
Course Objectives
Knowledge Acquisition
Context – to develop a broad understanding of the many issues involved in assessment and development processes.
Process – to develop an understanding of how assessment can fit into each part of the selection and development processes – designing the assessment framework and sequence, selecting the assessment methods, evidence based decision-making and feedback principles.
Feedback – to be able to explain best practice and the principles around feedback in different contexts.
Skills Development
Self-Awareness – to become aware of assumptions and biases which interfere with making accurate judgments concerning the capability of candidates, and to be able to differentiate between evidence and opinion.
To understand the stages of design in exercise development – to be able to describe the critical aspects of exercise structure and design.
To convert criteria or competency definitions to a usable format for an assessment framework – to write behavioral indicators to be used as the basis of any assessment methodology.
To produce a workable assessment matrix – to put together the most appropriate methodology for assessment purposes.
To practice observation and assessment – to recognize what to look for when observing and to be able to record observations and assessments accurately.
To benchmark assessments – to establish assessment criteria and be able to benchmark observations and ratings to achieve fair comparisons of candidates, recognizing issues of diversity and discrimination.
Delegates will be exposed to a range of assessment material and methodologies and will experience some exercises themselves as well as viewing video footage.