Mantrana Consulting An HR Solutions Group

Rediscovering and Leveraging Organization Values for Excellence


Executives spend too much time drafting and redrafting vision statements, mission statements, values statements, purpose statements, aspiration statements, and so on. They spend nowhere near enough time trying to align their organizations with the values and visions already in place.

There is a big difference between being an organization with a vision statement and becoming a truly visionary organization. The difference lies in creating alignment-alignment to preserve an organization’s core values, to reinforce its purpose, and to stimulate continued progress towards its aspirations. When you have superb alignment, a visitor could drop into your organization from another planet and infer the vision without having to read it on paper.

Learning to leverage the power of personal values is an essential skill set for leaders interested in high performance.  Research suggests that the commitment and contribution of a leader is increased to the degree that they are clear about their own personal values and motivations and how they relate to and align with the values of their organization.  

This course provides an opportunity for:

  • Clarifying personal core values and key motivators and seeing how they can complement and align with your organization’s values, mission and goals.
  • Developing greater team cohesion, insights and respect for the diversity and shared aspirations of various team members.
  • Laying a strong foundation for articulating and leveraging team and organizational values to guide organizational/team priority setting and decision making.

This workshop offers valuable insights for improving the quality of personal/team thinking and communication.  Energizing and interactive, this inquiry stimulates reflection and dialogue in the exploration of personal and shared values as a means of gaining insights regarding the beliefs/mental models that shape attitudes and perceptions and determine the values that drive decision making and action.

Course Objectives

The Organization Alignment Workshop is designed to help your organization develop a consistent professional development model that allows your team to achieve their personal and professional goals, while aligning those needs with the goals and objectives of the organization.

This workshop will define and document a mission, vision and statement of values to create a common framework and focus, while building a culture that can support your business strategy and goals.

  • The mission sets forth, in general terms, the broad intent of the organization.
  • The vision is a statement of what the organization wants to become-an intuitive picture of an end state.
  • The statement of values presents the principles through which the organization plans to achieve overall goals and objectives.

Key Takeaways

  • Documented mission statement demonstrating the intent of the organization
  • Documented vision statement demonstrating an intuitive picture of the end state
  • A statement of values presenting the principles of expected behavior
  • An implementation plan to support the new mission, vision and statement of values


This workshop will be highly participative involving individual and small group work including role plays, discussions, etc. and will cover the following steps:

  • Identifying and Correcting Misalignments
  • Creating New Alignments
  • Identifying Core Values
  • Distinguishing Between Values, Practices, and Strategies