Training others is a skill and individuals who are progressing towards or developing a new role as a trainer face one of the most challenging yet rewarding learning curves of their career. This is a highly practical train-the trainer training course providing a comprehensive foundation for new trainers in training session design, development and delivery. Delegates will acquire skills which enable them to prepare training objectives based on the needs of the individual and the business and also to select, develop and structure appropriate content.
Participants will also learn how to maximize individual learning through their approach and training style and build greater confidence in their ability to interact with and motivate trainees.
Workshop Duration
This will be a two-day workshop
The objectives of the workshop are:
- Clearly identify the requirements of training role.
- Write appropriate training objectives.
- Identify appropriate training materials and structure content to meet the objectives of the group.
- Confidently deliver effective training sessions.
- Select and utilize effective visual aids and structured experiences to support training sessions.
- Overcome difficult situations or problems, which can occur during training sessions.
- Process facilitation and counseling
- Evaluate the effectiveness of training against pre-determined objectives.
Course Outline
The Role of the Trainer
- Meeting the needs of the business
- Supporting organizational objectives and strategies
- The qualities of a successful trainer
The Learning Process
- How people learn
- Learning styles – maximizing individual development through the learning process
- Adapting your training style to meet the needs of the group
Establishing and Meeting Training Objectives
- Establishing and writing objectives – ensuring the success of your training sessions
- Building course content – deciding on depth and scope of material
- Sequencing materials and developing course structure
- Building in questions to support the learning process
Training Methods and Visual Aids
- Using visual aids for maximum effect – selecting appropriate visual aids
- Working with whiteboards, transparencies, flip charts and power point
- Selecting appropriate training methods – trainee analysis
- Use of structured and unstructured experiences
- Process facilitation and group discussion
- Training methods review – video, syndicate exercises, fish bowl, etc.
Group Dynamics
- The make-up and structure of groups
- Anticipating and overcoming trainee problems
- Handling difficult trainees
Training Delivery
- Training exercises;
- Design and delivery of training sessions
Evaluating Training
- Effectively measuring learning outcomes
- Short and long term measurement
Future Development
Developing your personal action plan
Key Takeaways
At the end of this workshop participants will be able to:
- Identify the objectives and expectations
- Understand the different ways of learning and its transfer
- Recognize the importance of structured sessions
- Develop an understanding of training methods and visual aids
- Conduct Training Needs Analysis and Evaluate
Mantrana Methodology
The program is highly participatory and experiential. Participants develop practical insights into the training process. Through discussion and activities the participants understand how to integrate training into the work scenario, recognizing the need to “marry” organizational expectations with those of the trainees. They design and deliver a training session, following which an evaluation is given by fellow participants. Video will be used to aid this process.